Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We Can't Let Satan Slip in on a Simple Sentence

People need to be careful about what they say at all times.  Christians particulary, and especially need to govern what comes out of their mouths.

What are we speaking over ourselves and our loved ones?  What are we saying we trust God to do in our lives. 

Satan has no power, but he is always looking for an opportunity to use anything negative that we say as an opening to our power.  If he can plant a negative thought or send a temptation, based on what we say, he will use that as a conduit to get us to act on it.

We must speak victory at all times my brothers and sisters.  Now, we don't have to lie about our reality, but if we say: "I'm struggling right now and I don't see a way out, end that statement with, but I know that God is a keeper, and He can make the impossible possible."  And, by all means, don't forget to use scripture to defeat the enemy.  After all, Jesus quoted scripture to the devil to let him know that He knows what the Word says, and that the Word is all that counts.  That is why the Bible tells us to study to be approved.  In other words, know the Bible for yourself and you can't be fooled.

The tongue has the power of life and death, Proverbs 18:21A (NIV)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Like Moses, God used Dr. King to Free His People!

Today we celebrate, as a nation, the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King was a man of God, who was annointed by God to do something special, something that would impact history and all of man-kind.  More than 3000 years ago, God appointed another great man of God to make an impact on humanity and correct an injustice that had been going on for 400 years.  Moses was given the great task of leading the Jewish people out of enslavement in Egypt to freedom.  This task seemed almost impossible, too hard for a man to accomplish; but this is where our great and mighty God comes in.  See God never gives us a job that he will not equip us to handle - " For his namesake."  God's reputation is on the line, not the person he uses.  He will provide all that is needed to the person He has assigned the task, whatever it may be.
Dr. King was given the assignment of presenting to the whole world the injustices that were taking place here in America concerning the equal rights of Blacks, as stated in the Declaration of Independance, the Constitution and The Bill of Rights, all founding documents on which the United States was created.  But, not only did his work pertain to his own race, but it pertained to all people.  It pertained to those suffering the same indignities in other parts of the world, but more importantly, it was profound in helping set the opressors free.  Yes, the freedom of those who thought prejudice was okay, needed to be freed also, mentally. Bondage not only enslaves the captured, it enslaves the captors.  Pharoh had to learn that thousands of years ago and people in 1960's and today have to learn it now.

God is the only one in charge and in control of the universe and all that exists.  Man has no right to believe or act as if he can control another human being!  "God gave us dominion over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and every thing that crawls and creeps upon the earth," but He did not give us dominion over each other ("paraphrased" from Genesis 1:26).

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1(ESV)