Thursday, November 28, 2013

I'm Living When I'm Giving

Boy! the devil must have really hated for me to write this blog, because I've been trying to write it for at least two weeks, but it seems like every time I tried, something would come up and delay the process - uh-oh the phone is ringing!!!  It is 5:30AM in the morning, but I have to answer it because it's the hubby, and, after-all, it is Thanksgiving Day, and I am truly thankful for him.

I come to life when I can give my time, money, talent, skills and gifts in ministry.  I am a people person and love being able to add to peoples lives by helping and/or encouraging all those that I come in contact with.  I can be doing something as simple as talking with a stranger at the bus stop or something more important like praying with and for incarcerated youth.  It all makes me feel alive. When I'm not doing anything for a long period of time, I feel like I'm not being productive.  I begin to feel dead inside, because my spirit thrives off of being a blessing to others.

To me Thanksgiving Day is a reminder to be thankful all year round.  And, I don't interpret it as being thankful for what I can get, but [literally] for what I can give.  It is called THANKSGIVING not thanksgetting!

I am so thankful that I can give Godly advice to others; share wisdom with my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren; give my love to friends; take food to the homeless; be involved in ministries that reflect the Word of God; put decent used clothes in the recycle containers for others; love on my neighbors with kind words, a smile or an unexpected gift; share this life with my husband; and, most of all, give God the glory.  What a blessing that I have all these things that I can give, because I'm living when I'm giving.

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. [Philippians 1:3/NLT]

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. [1 Timothy 2:1/NLT]