Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Time for Change

Most people don't like change.  We like to hold onto the familiar and traditions.  Some familiarity and some traditions are good and worth holding onto, but some call for change.  If we are holding onto the familiar, but it's keeping us from growing (for example: friends who still act the same at age 40 as they did at age 20) then we definitely need change.  Perhaps modern time has out-grown tradition.  A house wife always cut off the ends of her roast before she placed it in the pan to go into the oven.  One day her husband saw her do this and inquired as to why she did this?  She replied: my mother did it and so did her mother, it's like a family tradition.  He asked why did your mother and her mother cut off the end of the roast before placing it in the pan?  She said she didn't know she just followed suit.  She said she would call her mother and ask.  She asked her mother and her mother asked her mother.  Come to find out that grandmother cut the ends of her roast off to place in the pan because back then there wasn't a big enough pan made to accommodate a large roast.  What are you still doing just because mama and them did it?  Change is good, it brings balance to our lives.  I use to hate change, but I had to  learn change the hard way, but it blessed me.  Now I embrace it.  Recognize when it is a time for change and make it.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; (Isaiah 43:19A)

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