Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Letter from the Devil !

I visited your Sunday School last Sunday and I was over-joyed to see that so many of you had not come, and some of those that did come were late.  That made me leap for joy.  It is always such a thrill to have parents help me to keep the young children from going to Christ, it gives me an extra chance to expose them to other worldly things before they come in contact with heavenly things.

I was also pleased to see many not attending worship services.  I always tremble when they attend the preaching service, because that is where souls are fed, and there is a possibility that someone will give their heart to the Lord and be saved.  Believe me, it is always helpful for me to have the members of the Sunday School neglect their responsibility, which gives me a chance to get in my Sunday punch.  I am so thrilled when some members of the choir take me with them to rehearsal which puts a damper on rehearsal.  Then when  Sunday comes I am happy when either they do not show up or half sing, making it difficult for the choir director, pianist, organist, and at the same time putting a chill over the congregation, causing them to sleep while the preacher is preaching, trying to win souls from me.

I even laugh with glee when I see many of you fail to pay your tithes and give cheerful offerings.  I like to see you make the preacher and the church board squirm, and worry about finances.  It takes away from the time they would be using to win souls from me.  Imagine, “Beat the Devil Sunday” the rest of this year.  Can you imagine Rev. Williams and the church want to win all the souls from me when I have been winning so long?

Here are some good reasons I’d like to share with you or remind you of, as to why I am writing this personal letter to beg you to stay away from Sunday School, and all Bible training and sharing classes the rest of the year: favorite T.V. show, football, baseball, company in town, have to cook Sunday dinner for relatives, wash the car, go fishing, extra work day, stayed out too late Saturday and overslept Sunday, unpopular on Sunday, horoscope says stay home, nothing new to wear, a run in your stockings, no one else in family is going, put it off until next Sunday for sure, stores are now more often open for Sunday shopping and a good sale, visit another church, and, oh well, there are a lot of other reasons, and whatever you use is good enough for me, because I am winning.

You know it is more comfortable to stay at home.  Besides, when you stay at home you fail to tithe and support God’s movement, and that makes my work even more easier. 

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