Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm Striving to do Better

Am I perfect - far from it, but I am striving to do better.

I am NOT God, so, therefore, I can not do His job, but I can put my best foot forward, and keep striving to do my part better.

I am so glad that our God is the God of another chance.  He gives us every opportunity to get our lives back on track; right with Him, others, and ourselves.

I like striving to instead of trying to.  Trying sounds like an excuse we use when we really don't want to do something, and we are trying to convey the fact that it is too hard.  How can this be - we're Christians, and there is nothing too hard for God!  Striving reflects a pressing forward with every ounce of strength connotation!  And why wouldn't we keep striving with such a loving and caring Father like ours who has our back; front; top, and bottom 24/7!!

We must keep striving against all odds.  No matter what life takes us through we must keep striving.  There has been and will be struggles; hard times; trials and tribulations; lean and mean times, for as Christians we are not exempt from these things, but all our good days will out weigh our bad days, and if we keep striving to do better then better times are coming.  And when better times come for us, let us not forget to extend our hands to our brothers and sisters-in-Christ, and our fellow man, and encourage them to keep striving to do better.  Amen 

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