Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Tried It My Way !

For so long I tried to do things my way, never conceding that my way didn't really work.  Oh yes, we can be fooled into thinking that the way we do things, the manner in which we handle situations is the correct way.  But when I look back over my life, I hear Dr. Phil asking: " so how's that working for you?"

I realized now that the things I controlled or tried to do on my own were pretty much the failures, and all the successes I've had had nothing to do with me, but were what God had for or did for me.  When I realized that God really is in control of my life is when doors opened, opportunities presented themselves to me, and others around me.

Killing the flesh (the old man) is very hard to do, especially the older you are, but it must be done to allow God to have his way in your life.  We all want the best that life has to offer, and the best way to achieve this is to put everything in the Lord's hands.  People may argue that they see non-Christians achieving just as much or more as Christians do, but we know all they will achieve is earthly success.  And, most of the time, while people are working so hard for earthly success, it is costing them something more percious and priceless - a real realtionship with God, special times with family, and even their health.  We know the more important success is with our heavenly Father, because the things of this world are temporary.  The rewards with Him are eternal and overflowing.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't
try to figure out everything on your own. (Proverbs 3:5-6/The Message)

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